by Ciprian Cucu | Project Management
Instead of reaching out to you with a list of Best of articles I’ve read recently, which would give you access to information that might come handy if you’re working in projects, are passionate or just curious about the topic, I decided a curated list of content...
by Ciprian Cucu | Questions & Answers
And here comes the question: “What should I do, specifically, to become more agile starting tomorrow?” My instinct was to answer with… another question: “But why should you be, all of a sudden, more agile?” Usually, when you do things in a...
by Ciprian Cucu | Questions & Answers
As far as I can remember, I’ve been almost obsessed with delivering results in projects. Extreme ownership, baby! Probably that’s the main reason why I became focused on what I can do to help other professionals deliver the same results aka how to make life easier....
by Ciprian Cucu | Business
I’ve been recently asked by Colltrain, aka the team behind the collaborative training tool that empowers trainers and facilitators to achieve success with remote delivery, to share a bit of my professional philosophy and journey and to talk about how I managed to...